Pump, Pump, Pump It UP | Add Volume to Curly Hair

5:37:00 PM

Big, bold, beautiful hair! And what gives you that? 
V O L U M E! 
Here I share 3 tools you can use to add volume to your hair.

 1.       The handy, dandy, always reliable, pick - so old school, yet still works wonders for the tresses. Although you can use any pick you have, I prefer the metal over the plastic ones because I feel like it glides smoother. Keep the focus more on your roots to help minimize frizz. Also, pick from under the sections that are exposed and be sure to lift up.

      2.       A diffuser is a great tool to add volume as you dry your hair. When diffusing, remember to use a cool setting to avoid adding any heat damage to your hair. And dry the hair with your head upside down for maximum volume.

      3.       Your very own hands – once your hair is 100% dry, use your finger tips to lift the hair at the roots. Give it a little shake and push the fingers away from the scalp. Concentrate only on the roots to not disturb your curl pattern and cause unwanted frizz.

Try these methods out and let me know which works best for you….now go on with your bad self!

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