First Class Curls Top 3 Curly Hair Gurus

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"What is a teacher? I'll tell you: it isn't someone who teaches something, but someone who inspires the student to give of her best in order to discover what she already knows." - Paulo Coelho.

Being a natural curly can be hard sometimes. Dealing with curly hair has its good and bad days. Sometimes its difficult to find the right products and techniques that help you achieve your best looking curls. But having others to look to for guidance and inspiration could be a big help. Today I share with you 3 curlies that have inspired me throughout the years! Nowadays I follow many great curly gurus, but these 3 ladies were the very first that I started following when I embarked on this empowering and truly special, healthy, natural curly hair journey (enough adjectives for ya? lol) Check them out!

She was one of the very first youtubers I ever started following. She inspired me to really want to "go natural" in terms of my product choices with my curly hair care. I've always been a curly girl but I didn't learn to treat my curls right until I started watching her journey. I incorporated a lot of the things she was doing into my hair care regimen, such as finger coiling, pineapples and using coconut oil. And as I watched her transition into an organic lifestyle, it influenced me as well to be more aware of the products I use, not just on my hair, but in my everyday life as well.

Not just her beauty but also her bubbly personality, mixed in with her realness just keeps me going back for more of her videos and pictures. And when I say beauty, I mean this girl is gorgeous! And even though I don't know her personally, you can tell she's a really nice, down to earth, smart and tell it like it is kind of person. Her tag line is lipstick and curls and trust me, when you see her you'll know why. I love watching her because she makes you feel like you're just 2 curlfriends having a chat.

It's been quite some time that I've been following this beautiful natural. Jessica of Mahogany Curls is one of my favorites to watch on YouTube. Her videos are very informative, despite our hair texture and curl patterns being noticeably different. Her product reviews and techniques that she shares are very practical and versatile for different curl types. I love how she explains what works and doesn't work for her. Another curlie that seems very down to earth and personable. She's got this cool aura about her that keeps me coming back!

Now these 3 cuties are just a few of the many curlies I have learned so much from and continue to go back to their videos and posts for more of what they're sharing. Check their Instagram and YouTube channels out for some curly inspiration! They've inspired me to continue on my healthy, curly hair journey and I'm sure they will be of value to you too!

Till next time....Stay Curly!! ❤️

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