3 Steps to Effective Deep Conditioning | First Class Curls

7:17:00 PM

Hey Curlfriends! I'm back at you with another trio of goodness, 3 steps to effective deep conditioning. As a curlie, deep conditioning is your bestfraaand! It will help make your curls soft, smooth, and healthy! There is nothing like a full head of curly hair that when touched, feels like silk! Ok, ok I may be going a little too far! But honestly, deep conditioning is life! And I have here, just for you, how to get the most out of your deep conditioning treatments! Let's get started...

Step 1. Coat all strands evenly - every single curl needs love. And a good deep conditioner is just what the curl doctor ordered for your tresses. So it is imperative that every last hair strand end up with product on it. The best way to apply the product is to section the hair. The amount of sections will depend on your hair density. The more hair strands you have the more sections you will end up with. I have medium density hair and can usually apply product to all my strands in 6-8 sections. Use your fingers and/or a wide tooth comb to get the tangles out and help coat the conditioner on your hair as well. Once you've applied the product, you're ready for the next step...

Step 2. Add heat/steam - using indirect heat is a great way to open cuticles and let more moisture in each hair strand. Some curlies (with low porosity hair) should definitely not miss this step! Having low porosity hair means that your cuticles lie flat on your hair shaft making it difficult for the moisture to get in. The heat/steam helps to temporarily open the cuticles up and allow more moisture to get into the hair. If you are not sure of your hair porosity, you can check out my article, 3 Things You Need to Know to Care for Your Curls. It will help you determine not only your hair's porosity, but also its density and width, which with further help you on your curly hair journey.

Back to the heat/steam; you can use a hooded dryer or hooded steamer. But these tools can be rather pricey and bulky, so using alternatives like a hair dryer bonnet or a steam cap can help do the trick at a more affordable cost. Use the heat/steam for about 20/30 mins to get the most out of your deep conditioner.

Step 3. Be consistent - and lastly do it routinely. It is best to do it weekly but I wouldn't go more than two weeks without a deep conditioning treatment. Remember, you are trying to keep your hair moisturized, healthy and shiny. And deep conditioning will help you get and maintain that. Consistency is key to achieving any goal and having beautiful, healthy, curly hair is no exception. 

I would love to know if you do any of these deep conditioning tricks and how they work for you! Till next time...Stay Curly! <3

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  1. Nice short read with good deep conditioning facts! Just recently started to deep condition for the first time, so it's great to know how others deep condition, especially for curly hair.

    1. yes!! keep doing it! stay consistent with it at least once a week and you'll soon start to see a difference in your curls!! :)
